When Hollywood catches on to a trend, it is normally quite harmless. It usually involves clothes or accessories. They are great walking talking advertisements for their favorite designers.
Some crazes are just plain nutty. For example, Paris Hilton pops out on the scene with her pet chihuahua all dressed up and fed on only the best steak. Suddenly there’s a rush among the young celebrities such as Lindsay Lohan and Brittney Spears to dress their pets, put them on display and feed them Filet Mignon.
That doesn’t come close however to the adoption craze that Angelina Jolie seems to have inspired. She goes off to Cambodia to shoot Tomb Raider and came home with a new awareness and passion. This moved her to adopt a Cambodian boy – Maddox – who is now 5 years old. She has also adopted an Ethiopian girl named Zahara who is 22 months old and it looks like there will be more children added to their family as they may be adopting another child soon.
Madonna insists that Sir Bob Geldof and not Angelina Jolie was the source of her inspiration to go of to Africa for a child to bring home. She chose Malawi native David Banda from the kids she saw in the orphanage. She whisked in and whisked out of Africa and transported him to merry, old Britain. Unfortunately, her adoption is being contested by quite a number of people, including David’s own father. The judge has not yet ruled on whether she can keep David (doesn’t that make the child sound like a pet?) and word has it she’s already looking to adopt a second child.
It is wonderful that celebrities have decided to actively make a difference using their wealth and popularity. Wonder how many more of them will follow this trend?
[tags] Hollywood,trends,craze,Paris Hilton,Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears,Madonna,Angelina Jolie,adoption [/tags]
Originally posted on November 22, 2006 @ 6:28 pm